Finally started getting all those scans sorted and up on the site... Check for the Angry Street Magician, who for 10 minutes just yelled about how NYC was better then Philly, then did some really bad slight of hand tricks. Then did the 'pull the long rag out of my hand trick' which was followed by burning himself with a lit cigarette. Then he yelled some more, and asked us for money. I threw him a buck, only because I stood there snapping shots with the Holga.
For all you Polaroid lovers out there, I added a gallery of Polaroid images taken with a 1938 Speed Graphic 4x5.. you know the one's you see in the old movies? That one.. I happened to have one handy at a party, and couldn't help but see if we could get it to work.. it did.
Expanded Street gallery coming soon, soon as I get the scans goin' and for you car nuts, there will be a new collection of the infamous Gt3 Porsche.
Oh, and I noticed that the nicnichols.com font has been downloaded close to 1,000 times- so if you used it in something cool (but of course, not commercial...) send me a jpeg! Best use gets a free 12" print of your choice. Really.