Saturday, December 22, 2007

Finally, some new stuff...

So the arm is back together.. and I finally got around to updating the site. New galleries include a day spent with the crew setting up a County Fair (more cows, the chicken girl, and yes, cows.) An old Gas Station that we passed driving from Richmond to Dover- which was interesting enough to turn around, chat with the owners (who tried to sell it to me..) and take a few pics. Have you ever been to a tractor pull? This is how they do it without monster trucks.. and The first of several Forts along the Delaware river that I shot this fall.. more to come.
Cheers + Happy Holidays--

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Its been a long time...

I just got a few emails over the last month asking why I haven't updated the site, blog or published anything in the last few months.. so now that I can actually type, here is my really, really good excuse for not getting much work done... that mess up there is my new, improved right shoulder!
I say right shoulder, cas those of you who know me well, know that I had the other one done a few years back. So I have been couching it for the last few months, but before that, I did travel and shoot quite a bit.
So stop back at the site in a week or so, I am going to add galleries for the projects I was working on before the sudden shoulder explosion... we chased actual chickens and farm animals, toured a bunch of old Forts, travelled from Mass to Virgina and more... I will post up some jpegs of assorted stuff in a bit..
Until then- special thanks to all who helped out over the last 2 months, friends, family, surgeons, and especially my wife, who has the patience of a saint.
New stuff soon! Cheers-- NIC

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Interview on

I am really honored to be one of the select few Artists to be featured on, one of the webs best portals for art and design. Check out the interview here, and be sure to check out the rest of the work on the site as well. Thanks to the crew at Strangefruits for the chance to be 'exposed' as an emerging international artist. They had some really well thought out questions for me, so be sure to check it out!

---> New images and galleries online this week include a day in Lancaster, walking among the farms, cows and chicken coops, we had a great day and met some really down to earth folks up there... and just started is another long term project on the Forts along the Delaware river, which battled the British Armada, and later defended the North in the Civil War...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Portrait Gallery Online...

Just added, a group of portraits on the main page. Have a look here. Gearing up to shoot some new ones this month.. now that its warmed up a bit!

New Documentary Project online today...

The first section of my long term project on Delaware's Route 13 is now online.. its been a while in the works, and will be four or five sections before its finished.. but you can get a preview now on its main page.

...and as always, there are some new bits on the main page!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

No updates, been a little busy!

Sorry for the lack of updates, I was a little busy getting married! Thanks to all for the good wishes, and emails. I married my lovely fiance Kristen Hudson, a very beautiful actress and designer. Thanks to MilkMaid Press, Monika Broz and Andrew Wilkinson, and EMD entertainment for all of their hard work.

After a much need few weeks off, I have been shooting like a mad man, so expect a ton of new stuff on the site soon- until then, have a look at some of the recent work.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Interview with Phase Magazine...

A Big Thanks to Gabe and friends at Phase Magazine for the interview and spread in this months issue. If you have not had a chance to download it or check the site- do it now! Nine Artists from around the world make up this issue titled "Play" and I am honored to be a part of it.

A New Look for

Thanks to Kristen Hudson of MilkMaid Design, has finally begun the long overhaul process! In an attempt to make navigation, news, images all easier to see and get to, we have restyled the page. News will be on the left, images in the middle, featured galleries on the right. Thanks for the great feedback that you have sent already- and keep checking back as we start to update the galleries to their new format as well.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Interview at NeoZine Magazine!

Big thanks to Nuno Soares and Cristina Correia of NeoZine Magazine from Portugal, for posting my work- and then catching up for an interview. While you are there, check out some of the other great Artists they are interviewed, and bookmark it for up to date news and links for tons of great sites. Click here for the link.

Is that you? Thanks also to's new Google map feature, you can track visitors by geographic location, among many other methods. Check out:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm Not Nic Nichols, I am Nic Nichols!

Every once in a while I get an email saying just how much someone loves my work in National Geographic, and that they cannot believe that I would go to such lengths to get an image... Well, I wish I could take credit for that, but that was another Nic Nichols. His real name is Michael, and he has been an idol of mine since I first picked a camera up- not because we share the same name, but because he is one of the greatest photographers to ever pack his bags and head into the jungle. Have a good look at his work here: I am certain that you will recognize the photos once you have seen them... (* on a side note, 1. My real first name is not Nic, I am a 'fourth' and we have all been called Nic, since 1886. 2. I am not a motivational speaker, but if I was, I would sure be Nick Nichols!)

Aside from that, thanks for all of your emails, really. Even the odd ones are amusing. Cheers to all my mates in London who remembered the May Day Riots.. Thanks to Juxtapoz magazine for giving me a feature, and to PixelSurgeon as well.

If you would like to purchase one of the limited 2007 print series, contact Irisf64, who will be representing me on all online print sales. Thanks to Brent and Trevor for taking me on!

And if you are wondering about the image up there.. well, I started a new long term project on Delaware's Route 13- and trust me, it's a shithole! Hookers, Used Cars, Junkyards, and that was just the first morning.. check back soon for part one of the photos and essay.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

New Work Online...

A few new galleries are up... one from the return to the 'junk store' we found on a roadside in Maryland.. and another of an abandoned WWII themed resturant... more to come in the weeks ahead..

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year?!

Ya.. so its 2007 now? Amazing.. I have to send a big thanks out to all the Magazines, Collectives and Sites that made 2006 the biggest year ever for my little site. We had over 500,000 unique visitors from over 70 countries. Thanks to File Magazine for featuring my beach series, to Zone Zero, Bending Light Magazine, Nothing Fancy Volumes, Boonika, Art Dorks, Light Leaks Magazine,,,, Carl Designs, RoboCore, Heavy Backpack,, NowGoCreate, Scene360,, DrawerFlat, MoonCruise.. and to everyone's favorite German Fetish Blog: Hopsakee. And to everyone else who made it all possible.

I just got back from shooting a lot, and I mean a lot, of film.. its been crazy warm up here, and I finally got to start some of the new projects I have been putting off... Look out this year for a whole new site, hundreds of new images... and I (hopefully) me finishing my first book.

Thanks to all: and here's to a great New Year!