Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Whats up with the Impaled Teddy Bears?

Driving down a side road in the farms of Maryland, I was surprised to see a row of stuffed animals nailed to trees… my girlfriend said it started with the farm owner finding a lost stuffed animal, and sticking it on a branch so the owner could hopefully see it while driving by and get it back. Instead, more people pulled over and nailed more of the stuffed bears to the trees.. the last time we went back, there was even a giant stuffed monkey. I don’t know if its gruesome or just odd, but I keep going back to see what’s been stuck up there.. I have seen a lot of weird stuff, but I have to say this is right up there.. keep checking their gallery, because I’ll be heading back every few months to see the new arrivals and document the teddy bears as the wind, rain and snow starts to tear them apart…

Friday, January 20, 2006

Where is the American Pitbull Terrier Info?

I have received quite a few emails from people asking where my website with information on the American PitBull Terrier and Breed Specific Legislation went, and when I googled my own name, 90% of the returns were for my previous site, dedicated to the positive image of the American Pitbull Terrier. I live in Wilmington, Delaware, and a few years back, our inept city council decided that to get some media attention, they would ban the American Pitbull Terrier and a few related breeds from the city limits. As you all know, I am a proud owner of a beautiful Female American Pitbull Terrier, and as a city resident, I was shocked to hear that they city wanted to make it a crime to own a dog of this great breed. So a group of responsible dog owners banded together, and with a strong grass roots effort, got the ban repealed. I am proud to say that the animal rights and rescue group that I helped found, which has now evolved into Faithful Friends, inc, still contues the effort that we started five years ago. Visit them for more information, and I will soon be adding a APBT resource page with links and info back to my site.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

More Images Online today...

The 2006 updates are almost finished.. with new galleries coming every week or so. Check out what happens when we get to borrow a Porsche GT3 for the weekend, and some odd images of travels around the US.. Keep and eye out for the expanded Eastern State Penitentiary Gallery, and more info on Toy Cameras..

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

New Images Featured on

New images taken in rural Maryland are being featured on! Check them out and support this great site. While you are there, have a look at some other great images created with toy cameras.Check out this link: Nic on for my gallery, and this link for the main page.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

2006! @

Finally added the new galleries to the site, so have a look at what's been going on for the last few months. Lots of new images, places and adventures... Been tromping through the hills of Maryland to find impaled Teddy Bears (More on that later).. Spending more time at Eastern State Penitentiary shooting, so look for more Eastern State Galleries soon.. Keep checking back, over the next month the 2006 changes should be complete and the new site will be up and running.. Until then, thanks to all of the returning visitors and welcome to the new ones! --> NIC