Driving down a side road in the farms of Maryland, I was surprised to see a row of stuffed animals nailed to trees… my girlfriend said it started with the farm owner finding a lost stuffed animal, and sticking it on a branch so the owner could hopefully see it while driving by and get it back. Instead, more people pulled over and nailed more of the stuffed bears to the trees.. the last time we went back, there was even a giant stuffed monkey. I don’t know if its gruesome or just odd, but I keep going back to see what’s been stuck up there.. I have seen a lot of weird stuff, but I have to say this is right up there.. keep checking their gallery, because I’ll be heading back every few months to see the new arrivals and document the teddy bears as the wind, rain and snow starts to tear them apart…
This often happens in Baltimore City, but for different reasons. Stuffed bears are taped to light posts if there's been an accident and someone's died.
If you know of any locations, shoot me an email.. I have been in and around Baltimore in the last few weeks and would be interested in checking out more bear 'intallations' and adding to the collection...
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