Its funny.. I get pretty cool emails from all over the world, and I appreciate each one. But I get the most emails about one image in particular, the Gorilla on the Tracks. So I thought I would share the story and set the record straight. First, that is not a real Gorilla, its a guy in a Gorilla suit. I don't just have them sitting around the house, but since my Mom owned a costume store, I did have access to some odd stuff... So here was the idea: We had to do an Ad while I was going to school in Philly, and I had a great idea. I won't say what that idea is, as someday I will actually pull it off, but lets just say it involved a guy in a Gorilla suit and some innocent bystanders. As we soon found out, you can't just walk into places with a Gorilla suit. People have no sense of humor. So while we were taking a break, the model wandered down the tracks, sat down, and picked up a discarded boom box. I quickly got off exactly one shot, and that was it. Something about the Gorilla staring at the radio that just seemed poetic.. this primitive beast staring at a discarded chunk of technology.
Or, just some guy in a costume sitting on the rail road tracks.
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